Kupang Lontong Surabaya

Kupang is the only animal that lives in the sea, shaped like a clams, but smaller, about 3-5 mm in diameter, slightly pale brown body color. If the condition is already cooked it in the head is black. The animal usually stick to water plants around the beach, with calm waves, such as in the coastal areas of East Java, persistently in Sidoarjo and Pasuruan. The coastal fishermen catch Kupang by using simple tools. Then they processed it into delicious and nutritious food namely Kupang Lontong.

Kupang Lontong has become a typical food of Surabaya, East Java. To make it, the mussel or Kupang is firstly washed and boiled. Usually they chose white Kupang or Corbula faba H. The White Kupang that has been boiled then sprayed with a sauce of ground spices, such as garlic, chili and paste. Paste is seasoning black made of shrimp. Then Kupang is served with rice cake, the rice wrapped in banana leaves and boiled along with Letho. Letho is a food made of a mixture of grated cassava, tolo beans, shredded coconut, and seasonings such as garlic, coriander, salt, and sugar.

The typical Culinary of East Java tastes good. A mixture of spicy, sour, sweet and savory is so tempted . Kupang lontong will be complete when eaten with scallop satay. Some stalls also provide crackers or chips of eggplant or crackers of marine leeches . While for the drink, the stalls usually serve young coconut water. For those of you who are not familiar to eat mussels, you may be allergic because of toxic effects from the mussel. Therefore, it is advisable to drink coconut water to neutralize toxins and allergies in your body.

The Culinary is widely famous especially in Surabaya, Sidoarjo and Pasuruan area. In the eastern coastal area of East Java, Kupang rice cake is also known as Kupang Kraton . The name of Keraton is taken from a region or district in Pasuruan regency . It has long time for local residents selling the mussel or Kupang both in the form of raw or Kupang Lontong . For one portion of Kupang Lontong complete with lentho, 10 scallop satay, and a glass of coconut water you must pay only 17,000 rupiah.

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Labels: KULINER, Tulisan Jeffrie

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