Global Warming for Kids

You will learn about "Global Warming" in this video. We know that carbon di oxide, methane, nitrous oxide etc are the gases responsible for the greenhouse effect.

However, these days because of increase in pollution, carbon di oxide levels are increasing rapidly. Smoke emitted from vehicles as well as factories contains high levels of carbon di oxide and methane.

Trees are responsible for absorbing carbon di oxide and maintaining its balance in the atmosphere. However, human beings are cutting down trees for roads, buildings etc leading to deforestation. As a result, carbon di oxide balance is not being maintained and the layer of greenhouse gases is becoming thicker. Due to this, the greenhouse gases trap more heat. This results in an increase in average temperature of the earth and the earth becomes hotter and hotter. This is called global warming.

If we do not take steps to reduce global warming, it will lead to loss of humans, plants, animals and our earth will not be a beautiful place to live in anymore.

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The 3 R's for Kids

You will learn about "The 3 R's" in this video. Do you know what the 3 R's stand for? The 3 R's help us in reducing pollution. They stand for Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Let us understand them one by one.

We should reduce the use of plastic bags. We can use cloth or jute bags while shopping. We should reduce kitchen wastes by converting them into vermicompost. We should reduce the wastage of water by closing taps while brushing our teeth and also take short showers. We should reduce the use of electricity, i.e. we should turn off fans and lights when we leave a room.

Old clothes and toys can be donated or sold so that they can be reused. Old magazine covers and posters can be used for wrapping gifts. Rechargeable batteries should be used. Also, ice cream sticks, old decorations etc can be used to make greeting cards.

We should recycle old magazines, newspapers, used notebooks etc. We should recycle old soda cans, milk containers, juice cans etc. We should also recycle old electronic items like cell phones, computers, televisions etc. In this way, if we reduce, reuse and recycle, we can live in a cleaner, safer and happier environment.

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Learn - Solar System - Kids Educational Videos

Interesting facts about all the planets and sun. Is a fun and learn for kids about solar system and the planets. This is the one of the educational lesson to teach children all about the Solar system. Its a good little information to the preschool as well younger.

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Bouba & Zaza protect the Earth - a cartoon based on UNESCO Dakar's child...

"Bouba & Zaza" is a children's books collection initiated by UNESCO Dakar and the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA). The aim is to develop quality teaching materials adapted to an African context. 
The books are now being adapted to short educational films. This is the first one.

What is Pollution & its Types and Prevention (EVS Lesson for Kids)

Visit for more free science video for children.

We can define pollution as contamination or spoiling of air,soil and water by discharging harmful materials in them. This happens due to various reasons, most of which are in control of humans.Re-cycle ,Reduce and Reuse are 3 Rs suggested by environmentalists to prevent further damage to our environment.

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